Life’s good these days, but it’s left me precious little time for blogging. Maybe you noticed? No? I’m not surprised. Your life is probably more hectic than mine. As soon as school let out, the pace picked up—swimming lessons, summer theater, preparing for the 4H fair, family reunions, attempting to keep at least the fruit trees, roses and other trees and shrubs alive during this searing heat…and suddenly it’s time to pack up and head to New Orleans for Tales of the Cocktail.
I have managed a little work in between it all. I wrote about the wonderful people at Dark Horse Distillery for the Kansas City Star (New Laws Spur a Generation of New Microdistilleries), and I’m working on a big piece about the Paris of the Plains Cocktail Festival for the same paper.

There have also been a few restaurant profiles for 913, a Johnson County news magazine, and features for Lawrence Business Magazine.And I keep eying the stack of cocktail books on my office floor, thinking I really should get around to reading them.
Which is why I was happy to stumble across a book review by Wayne Curtis (What Goes Well with a Martini) in this weekend’s Wall Street Journal. If you like his writing as much as I do, then it’s well worth tracking him down at The Atlantic for his most recent column on Cognac’s identity crisis. Or go old school by picking up a copy of And a Bottle of Rum, perhaps one of the best rum books ever written. That should keep you busy ’til I get back to blogging.