Freelance Food & Drinks Writer

Radio live and unedited

You never know where an interview will take you. Pastures, kitchens, a locker plant cooler, board rooms, catwalks over a still. In the case of Jasper J. Mirabile Jr. of Jasper’s Restaurant, the radio. He’s off in Parma, Italy, right now, doing fun stuff like making Parmigiano Reggiano, so I get to co-host Live from Jasper’s Kitchen on KCMO Talk Radio 710 Saturday, from 11 a.m. until noon. Mitch Baker’s got most of the show covered; I’ll be talking about apple cocktails and my upcoming piece for the Kansas City Star on baking with spirits. It’s fitting—I interviewed Jasper for the story, ferreting out the secrets of adding Grand Marnier to zabaglione and soaking cake with limoncello. Would I rather be in Italy? Maybe. But the radio show will certainly be fun, also, so tune in!